Plan your trip with our personal travel advice


Travel Advice

We help you travel more for less. If you wanna get the most out of your budget and have an unforgettable trip, then check this out!

Our Offer

Plan your trip with our help

79€ for 45 minutes

Use our knowledge as travel experts! We already traveled to over 50 countries on all 6 continents and know all struggles, tips and tricks. Our goal is to always get the best value and that’s what we will do for you as well!

We will have a 45-minute talk with or without video, that’s up to you. You can choose if you want to talk to Kathi or Kevin. We will answer all your questions about perfect itineraries, great hotels, unique activities, and delicious restaurants. Of course we love to speak about Bali or Indonesia our all time favorite destination and that would be the easiest for us. But this talk should be about you and your next big trip and with our experience and travel hacks we can help you with any destination (especially with the ones we already explored ourselves).

We can help you with

  • general information like visa, recommended vaccinations, travel preparations
  • best time to travel
  • searching for flights
  • what you need to bring
  • budgeting
  • time management
  • recommendations for hotels, activities, and restaurants
  • customized itineraries
  • and of course, share our personal experiences and special tips with you.

Be sure that you can ask any question you want. It will be a customized conversation about your personal needs and interests. For us, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and that you take the right decision with our help. 

Book now!


We won’t tell you we are the best of the best, but here are 3 reasons why we truly believe we can help you:

  1. No matter how much information we will provide on our blog or on social media: there will always be further questions. We often had the same problem when searching for information about our next destination. So we decided to offer this service, as we are convinced this will improve your travel experience.
  2. You will save so much time for planning and research and spend your free time right. Our call completely cuts out the research part of planning your vacation, so you enjoy the fun parts – like making exciting bookings and going on the trip!
  3. We won’t sell you anything. We don’t get commissions for recommending hotels or restaurants in our calls. Our tips are based on true experiences we made (and paid!) ourselves. 

No. We are no travel agents and won’t do any bookings for you. You book everything with your account, that means you’re more flexible regarding changes and cancellations. Also, you don’t need to pay an agent fee for any transaction. We do the research and planning for you to get the best out of your trip!  

A smartphone, tablet oder Notebook is enough. Calendly automatically schedules an appointment on Google Meet. There we can share the screen with you (and it’s free) and the call gets more descriptive. If that’s not possible or you don’t like that, we can have a WhatsApp-Call or Facetime. 

Please also have a pen and paper ready for your notes. There will no transcription provided by us.

No, please take notes during the call and write down the itinerary as we plan it together. If you are interested in a written travel guide, you can purchase it after our call. It will contain the full route and itinerary we discussed on the call, suggestions on accommodation in your price range, flights, things to do and see, and personalized advice. The price depends on the length of your trip. It starts from 49€. You can decide to get a guide on the call!

We met a lot of awesome people while traveling in the last couple of years. Many of them traveled to countries we haven’t been to yet. Some of them became friends and we trust their word. So there are three options in our opinion:

  1. We will ask them for insider tipps, how to travel and everything you want to know and provide you with the best information by ourselves. 
  2. We can make the connection to our friends and they will make the call with you directly. We want to build a trusting network in the next months and our friends of course will get paid. 
  3. You don’t like either of the two options: That’s alright, we won’t push you to book a call or anything. We respect your decision and hope you enjoy our free travel tips instead. 

We offer our private travel advice to everybody, but there are some topics we don’t have enough experience, e.g. traveling with kids or dogs. That’s not our speciality, so please be aware. Nevertheless, we can still give you inspiration, when you’re traveling as a family. Also, we never ever did an all inclusive holiday or been to a cruise ship. For us, it’s everything about individuality and feeling comfortable with your own decisions.

We can have the call in English or German – however you like.

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