Our story

Here you’ll find all you need to know about us: KKontour.

KKontour started as our couple’s travel account on Instagram. Right now we’re working in our corporate jobs after traveling the world for one year. Full-time travel and making memories worldwide is our absolute dream, so we spend every free minute building our online business. We want to show you how to get the best value for your money, cause it’s the same we always look for when traveling. In the end, we only got one life, so make it memorable


for Kathi

I grew up in a town next to Munich, where I was born. With my parents I only traveled by car, cause my dad is afraid of flying. My first trip without them was with 15 to Rome. That was when I lost my heart to that city. Italian is my favorite language and I always wanted to be able to speak it til I turned 25, but here I am, 28, still dreaming about it. 

Another thing I have in common with every Italian, I guess, is that I love food. When I travel I have to try as much as I can from street food stalls but also check out fancy restaurants. Kevin would confirm, „Good food, good mood is my motto“.

Besides food, my biggest passion is traveling and I think I got that from my grandparents, who visited over 50 countries together. So my goal is to beat them til I am 30!

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for Kevin

I grew up in a village next to Wuerzburg in Northern Bavaria, where I was born. During my childhood, I mostly traveled with my parents in Europe. My first trip outside Europe was to the US West Coast. That’s when I realized I wanted to travel as often as possible to see the world, experience different cultures and meet new people. 

Like Kathi, I love to eat Italian, especially pizza. I also love Mexican and Vietnamese food and always like to try local beers, too. 

Besides traveling my biggest passion is football (and watching American football). I played football for over 18 years and am a big fan of Borussia Monchengladbach. I’m also interested in flying drones, but I have to improve my skills.  


KK on tour

We met at university in October 2012 and only three months later we went on our very first trip together to Prague in the Czech Republic. It was only 3 days, but it showed us we are a good team.
Our first long-distance trip was to New York in December 2013. This trip already showed our skills for best-value traveling. Nobody thought that two poor students could afford to visit New York City while Christmas and New Year’s Eve. But we only spent around 600€ per person for 6 nights in Manhattan (Upper West Side) and flights. But our research and our „how to book“-skills made that possible. Unbelievable but true: we were upgraded to Delta’s Business on Kathi’s first long-distance flight, because „it’s Christmas“ (the airline told us)
Unfortunately, this was the first and last time we got an upgrade, not even when we flew to Vietnam on Kathi’s birthday. Or during our flight to Australia where it would have been so worth it. But we won’t complain anymore. We are so happy and grateful to have experienced all these adventures. Besides, we traveled together to Dresden & Bremen (Germany), Cuba, Thailand, Iceland, Portugal, Crete (Greece), and twice to Bali
Of course, we took tons of pictures from every vacation, but we also cut a video for our friends and Familie, because Kathi’s grandpa was a passionate videographer. So we had to deliver. After a while, we added stories and highlights on Instagram. As soon as we knew we will go on a journey around the world, we started our Instagram account. It started as an account for our family and friends, with Kevin’s Grandma being our most loyal follower.
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Most asked questions

Really by far, the most asked question we got during our year of traveling and after coming home. Even now that we had time to think about it we still can’t give a real answer. It’s just impossible to give only one highlight after traveling through 20 countries which could not have been more different. They were all impressive and beautiful in their way.

Buuut there has to be a winner and we believe if somebody would point a gun at us to say only one highlight we would always pick Indonesia. We loved it at the first sight, the second and also the third one. We could go there immediately again and we know that it still has so much to over and to explore.

Generally speaking, we love to travel. And as lame as that sounds that’s our only hobby or the one thing we love to spend money for. We don’t wear fancy clothes or drive an expensive car (at the moment we don’t own one at all). And we live in a pretty cheap flat. So everything we earn we use for our travels. If you want to travel more, find out where you can save money or cut your expenses so you have something left for your next flight ticket
About our world trip, we planned it a very long time ahead. We always knew we wanted to do that together since we met and so we saved a lot. But Kevin didn’t have to save as much as Kathi because he made a pretty good deal with his employer. He did a sabbatical. That means he worked full-time for 2 years, but only earned 2/3 of his salary. In the third year, he got paid the same but didn’t have to work. Perfect right?!
First of all: Never travel without insurance!
That being said we suggest you compare the most known travel insurance for your home country and see what offer suits you best. Be sure that every emergency possible is covered. At the moment also check if covid is included. For the first world trip, we used „Allianz“ in Germany because Kevin has his regular insurance there too so it was the most convenient (but also a good offer). For the recent trip we use „Young Travellers“ because they have even better conditions

For the world trip, we didn’t bring a proper camera. We only used our iPhones (11 Pro) and most of the time a tripod to take all the pictures you see here and on Instagram. We also have a drone and a GoPro for underwater shots. For our recent travels we upgraded to a Sony ZV-E10, a DJI Mini 3 Pro and an iPhone 14 Pro. 

We have to say, that we never really felt homesick on the world trip. Maybe it was because we had the best time of our lives or it was because we had our better half with us all the time. For sure it had something to do with the security we had back home: our jobs didn’t change, our flat was still the same and all our family and friends wouldn’t go anywhere. So we had the freedom to travel and of course, we would have loved to see them, but it was totally fine.

Enough about us, you are here to read about our adventures and learn how to travel more for less so check this out: