
Best time to travel

May to September




Euro (EUR)




in a nutshell

Montenegro is right at the border between east and west. It’s a multi-ethnic country with influences from the ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Christianity & Islam, the Ottoman empire and Yugoslavia. 72% of the population has the serbian-orthodox belief.

You don’t need any special vaccinations to travel to Montenegro. If you stay longer a vaccination against hepatitis A & B and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) may be to consider. Healthcare may not always meet Western standards.

Montenegro is not part of the EU, citizens from Germany for example, can stay up to 90 days visa-free. We think that this regulation is also valid for other EU-states, but please check this at your country’s foreign ministry before entering. We couldn’t find any information for citizens outside Europe.

Montenegro is very safe, there is petty crime, but nothing you really have to worry about.

Montenegro is one of the cheaper countries in Europe. It is more expensive at touristy destionations like Kotor, but still reasonable. In general, you get a fair value for your money and it’s rather cheap in comparison to Western countries. You wanna know what we spent hereclick here

