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Best time to travel

May to September




Euro (EUR)




in a nutshell

Greece is famous for ist thousands years old history, the ancient world, Greek goods and delicious cuisine. It’s the country where the Olympic games were founded. There are so many old monuments and temples you can visit, starting with the Akropolis in Athens and the oracle of Delphi. 98% of the Greeks have the greek-orthodox belief.

You don’t need any special vaccionations to travel to Greece. If you stay longer a vaccination against hepatitis A & B and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) may be to consider.

Greece is spart of the EU and in the Schengen-zone, so most Europeans don’t need visa and can travel freely in the Schengen-zone. Non-EU-citizens of many countries as the US, Kanada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand don’t need a visa for a stay shorter than 90 days. 

Greece in general is a very safe country. There are some pickpockets in the bigger cities like Athens or Thessaloniki, in partricular at crowded places, e.g. on subways, at train stations or airports. Also, there are some car-break-ins, so don’t leave any valuables inside the car, especially don’t leave them visible in the car.  

Greece’s mainland isn’t that expensive, it’s under the European average. Some touristy islands are mid-range, while it will get expensive on some of the exclusive islands like Mykonos or Santorini. For example: the European price average is 100, Germany has 108, the US have 117 and Greece has only 87 in 2021. You wanna know what we spent in Greececlick here

