A couple kissing in front of the Taj Mahal in Agra, India


Best time to travel

October to March




Indian Rupee (INR)




in a nutshell

India’s tradition is a few thousand years old. It is so diverse, you definitely will lose your overview. Most of the Indians are Hindus, but there are also many Buddhists, Muslims and Christs. India is also characterized by it’s caste system.

Maybe you should think about Malaria prophylaxes.

Also check the „standard“ vaccinations like tetanus, polio, measles as well as hepatitis A+B, typhus, rabies and diphtheria. Never drink water from the tap, only use bottled water. India in general has a low standard of hygiene. Also, prepare yourself for diarrhea and bring appropriate medicine.

You will need to apply for the e-Visa prior to your departure. It’s possible to apply online for it. After permission you can stay up to 30 days and it’s possible for many countries. It costs you 10$ in low season (April to June), or 25$ the rest of the year.

India’s touristy areas like Rajasthan or Goa are safe. Be critical about so called „authorized“ tour guides, taxis or travel agencies. Avoid some areas, e.g. the border area between India and Pakistan. 

India can be cheap, but it gets more expensive when you want to book a personal driver. It’s definitely nice to be flexible and to have a local around you. Food and hotels are pretty affordable. You wanna know what we spent in India, click here

