Discovering the Wonders of Angkor Wat: A Guide to Exploring Cambodia’s Iconic Temples

In this article, we’ll take you on a journey through the temples of Angkor Wat, exploring the history, culture, and significance of this incredible destination. From the must-see temples to the hidden gems and insider tips, we’ll help you plan the ultimate trip to Angkor Wat.

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Couple stands in front of Angkor Wat, Cambodia

1. Basics about Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is one of the most iconic and sought-after destinations in Southeast Asia. Located in the heart of Cambodia, this complex of temples dates back to the 12th century and is considered one of the greatest architectural wonders in the world. But with so much to see and do, planning a trip to Angkor Wat can be overwhelming.

The best time to visit Angkor Wat is during the dry season, which runs from November to March. This is also peak tourist season, so expect larger crowds and higher prices. If you’re looking to avoid crowds, consider visiting during the rainy season (May to October), when the temples are less crowded and the landscape is lush and green.

Angkor Wat is located just north of the city of Siem Reap. It is a province in northwest Cambodia and is best known as the gateway to the Angkor region, which is home to the ancient ruins of the Khmer Empire. There are buses and international flights from many major cities in Asia to Siem Reap. Check out our Full Siem Reap Guide for more details about Siem Reap!


2. How to buy tickets and how to get to Angkor Wat

There are different options for buying your tickets for Angkor Wat. You can do that online or go to the ticket office. The ticket office isn’t really on the way to the temples, so we recommend going there one day in advance. That way you don’t need to go to the ticket office early in the morning and you won’t lose time. 

Listen up for this real insider tip: go to the ticket office at 4.45 pm the day before your visit. Then, you can go to Phnom Bakheng on the same day for sunset even if you only have a 1-day-ticket! The ticket for 1 day is 37$, for 3 days 62$ or 72$ for 7 days. So with that tip you can save 25$!

There are different ways to explore the huge temple complex. We recommend hiring a tuk-tuk driver. This will usually cost you 20$ for a 7-8 hour tour and he will drive you to the main temples. The tuk-tuk normally has at least 4 seats, so you can share it to save some money. Keep in mind that you’ll hire a driver and not a guide. The driver can tell you some basics about the temples but if you want to have more information you need to hire a guide. 

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3. History of Angkor Wat

To truly appreciate the significance of Angkor Wat, it’s important to understand its history. The temples were built during the Khmer Empire, a powerful kingdom that ruled much of Southeast Asia from the 9th to the 15th century and are a testament to the architectural and engineering prowess of those people.

The construction of the temples began in the early 12th century under the reign of King Suryavarman II. The temples were built as Hindu temples to honor the god Vishnu, and later, as a Buddhist temple.

Over the centuries, the temples of Angkor Wat fell into disrepair and were largely forgotten until the late 19th century, when French archaeologists rediscovered them. Today, Angkor Wat is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

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4. Exploring the Temples of Angkor Wat

Visiting Angkor Wat is an experience unlike any other. With hundreds of temples and structures spread out over a vast area, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Here are some of the must-see temples and structures to include on your visit:

The most iconic temple in the complex, Angkor Wat is a stunning example of Khmer architecture. The temple’s intricate carvings and stunning design make it a must-see destination for any visitor to Angkor Wat.


Located in the center of the Angkor Thom complex, the Bayon temple is known for its massive stone faces that adorn its many towers. This temple is a true masterpiece of Khmer architecture.

Faces of the Bayon Temple, Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia

This next temple is famous for its sprawling roots and vines that grow over the temple’s structures. Ta Prohm is a favorite among visitors for its mysterious and eerie atmosphere. You also may know it from the movie Tomb Raider. 


Phnom Bakheng as already mentioned, this temple suits best a sunset on the day before you visit the other main temples as it is located on a small hill and you’ll have a nice view over the entire area. 


You can see another temple on your way up or down to Phnom Bakheng. There is a small viewpoint right next to the path where you have a nice view over Bakes Chamkrong


Of course, there are many more temples to visit as Angkor Wat is the biggest temple area in the entire world! It is possible to see all the main temples in one day. We only had a 1-day-ticket but be aware that it will get extremely hot from midday until afternoon. 

5. Tips for Visiting Angkor Wat

To beat the crowds and avoid the hottest part of the day, it’s recommended to start your visit to Angkor Wat early in the morning. This will also give you the best light for photography. We got up at 4.20 am and our tuk-tuk driver picked us up at 4.45 am. 

We also recommend going counter-clockwise. This means you go for Angkor Wat for sunrise and then to Ta Prohm and after to Bayon. The driver will normally go clockwise if you don’t tell him. This has the big advantage to beat the crowds!

When we went to Angkor Wat in April, it was extremely hot. The heat and humidity in Cambodia can be intense, so it’s important to stay hydrated while exploring the temples. Bring plenty of water. Often your driver provides many cold bottles of water but check that in advance!

When visiting the temples of Angkor Wat, it’s important to dress appropriately out of respect for the culture and religion. This means covering your shoulders and knees, and avoiding revealing clothing.

With so much to see and do, it’s tempting to try to rush through your visit to Angkor Wat. But taking your time and really soaking in the atmosphere and beauty of the temples is the best way to truly appreciate this incredible destination.

Optional: You can also hire a guide. While it’s possible to explore the temples on your own, hiring a guide can make sense. A guide can help you navigate the complex and provide insights into the history and significance of the temples. We didn’t have a guide as we wanted to explore the temples in our own speed. 


6. Conclusion

Visiting Angkor Wat is a truly unforgettable experience. From the stunning architecture to the rich history and culture, this complex of temples is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Southeast Asia. We always wanted to come here and we didn’t get disappointed. We really don’t know why it is not part of the 7 World Wonders.

By following our guide, you’ll be able to plan the ultimate trip to Angkor Wat, exploring the must-see temples, discovering hidden gems, and soaking in the beauty and atmosphere of this incredible destination. 

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