
Best time to travel

November to March


Buenos Aires


Argentine Peso (ARS)




in a nutshell

90% of Argentinan people have European roots. For us, Argentina is the most „European“ country in South America if you can say so. The tango is one of the most famous dances in the whole world and was created in Argentina. They also have world-famous wines and beef and have a big passion for football. Around 70% of the Argentinians are Roman Catholics.

You don’t need any special vaccinations to enter Argentina, but especially one against yellow fever is recommended. Vaccination against hepatitis A is recommended. If you stay longer a vaccination against hepatitis B and rabies may be to consider. There is also the Zika-Virus and Dengue fever, but there aren’t vaccinations against them. Malaria occurs in the amazon basin, so be sure to have medication against it. Health care is good in the bigger cities, especially in Buenos Aires, but doesn’t meet western standards in the rural areas.

You don’t need a visum for Argentina if you don’t stay longer than 90 days. It’s possible to extend the visum, but if you plan to stay longer anyway, it’s better to get a visum at your embassy before your departure. That applies to citizens of the EU, but also citizens from the US, Canada, New Zealand, or Australia.

Argentina is a pretty safe country for southamerican standards. In particular, be careful in Buenos Aires. avoid bad neighborhoods in the bigger cities and nightly walks by yourself. Beware of pickpockets in public transportation, shopping streets, or markets.

Argentina isn’t the cheapest travel country, but there is a huge travel hack. Here’s how you can spend half of your money! Argentina is suffering one of the highest inflations in the last couple of years. Their most valuable banknote (1000 Pesos) is only worth a few dollars because their currency loses so much value every day.
So the more or less illegal „Blue Dollar“ grew. That means you get the double amount of pesos for your dollars when you bring foreign currencies to Argentina. So how do you get that? Don’t pay with your credit cards! Your credit card provider will charge you the official exchange rate. You have to pay cash! And there’s an easy trick for that: sign in at Western Union and send money online via your credit card/Apple Pay e.g. to a local Western Union store. You will get the double amount of Pesos for your Dollars/Euros via the official app of Western Union. That’s unbelievable, isn’t it? 

You wanna know what we spent in Argentinaclick here

